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Summary of Nordic Sustainability actions


When we, late 2019, approved our sustainability plan 2019–2022, we thought we had aimed high. In order for us to implement the plan we divided all employees into sustainability groups (which we called “sustainability pathways”). I think it was only then that I realized how much there was to do for a company like ours, which really wants to take its sustainability work seriously. We feel humble in the face of the challenges of becoming truly sustainable, but at the same time we feel determined: #Actionoverwords.

Chiesi Nordic has achieved a lot in 2020, but there is still a lot to be done. I hope the experiences we describe in this report can inspire others and I also look forward to continuing the dialogue and joint learning with other companies!


Olav Fromm, CEO
Chiesi Nordic



What is important to us?

In some countries there is a corporate (legal) form called Benefit Corporation. It is an entity for companies that has a dual purpose; make a profit AND contribute to society. Chiesi has registered as a Benefit Corporation in the countries where it is possible. Today it does not exist in the Nordic countries but the dual purposes has nevertheless contributed greatly to our materiality analysis.


As can be seen from the summary of Chiesi Group's sustainability report, sustainability is mainstreamed into our entire business. Agenda 2030 has given us and the world a vision and 17 common goals and 169 sub-goals. They, together with the climate goals from Paris and industry-specific agreements, have formed our roadmap.


While we at Chiesi Nordic developed the sustainability plan in the autumn of 2019, we also assessed, based on the extensive analysis made by Chiesi Group, what matters most to us in the Nordic region. We have kept the analysis alive through discussions in the management team and with our entire staff. We have also mapped our stakeholders and have begun work to get structured feedback on our sustainability work. We realize that large parts of the footprint we leave behind arise “upstream” - in connection with production of our medicines. It is our goal that our business should contribute to a better world for humans and for the planet.



Planet -Environment and climate


Climate. Our operations cause greenhouse gas emissions. We want to significantly reduce these in order to be carbon neutral in terms of the emissions we can control, by 2030.

Patients – Social sustainability and human rights


We want our medicines to improve people's lives and we want those who need our medicines to have access to them. Today, not everyone who needs medicines gets access to them, which is a question of inequality.

Partnership – our ecosystem


Although our direct impact is often limited, we have an opportunity to influence others who are part of our "eco-system": suppliers, industry colleagues, customers. All in all, we have a significant footprint that needs to be addressed. This footprint is not limited to the climate, although in the short term we are trying to pay special attention to SDG 13; climate action. 

Staff:  a workplace where we feel comfortable and act with integrity


The health and well-being of our employees is a prerequisite for achieving our other goals. We want to be a good employer where employees also feel that they are part of something bigger, have a higher purpose. We believe that  diversity,  equality,diversity and inclusion are both a means and an objective. We prevent corruption, other irregularities including unethical behaviour.


When analyzing risks, we also look at sustainability. Partly because a changing climate presents new challenges, but also because our sustainability goals are business goals, just like our sales goals. If we do not reach the goals we have set for our sustainability work, we will not deliver on our mission either. Our risk analysis emanates from the analysis carried out by the Chiesi Group, but in this report we also share some risks that are specific to the Nordic market.


Environment and climate

In Chiesi Nordic's sustainability plan, we have expressed two goals that relate exclusively to environment and climate.

  1. Reduce CO2 emissions by 40% per person between 2019 and 2022
  2. Adopt a more circular approach to our consumption


Concrete results 2020: environment and climate

We have so far only measured CO2 emissions from fuel consumption (in the cars we use) as well as from air travel specifically attributable to the Nordics. As the number of employees has increased, emissions per person have decreased, though still not so much. In 2020, we approved a new car policy with the goal that almost the entire car fleet will be converted to electric cars by the end of 2024. During the first half of 2021, we have started to see the impact from the policy; of 15 cars delivered, 11 were electric cars, 3 charging hybrids and 1 environmental diesel. Below an estimate of our emissions:


Cause of emission  2019 2020 

Flight (kg CO2e)

 176 000 kg CO2e  

227 100 kg CO2e

Hotel nights (kg CO2e)


25 000 CO2e

Cars in the Nordic region

 155 000 kg CO2

161 000 kg CO2


In addition, in 2020, we have tried to get a better understanding of the imprints that result from food that we consume in connection with e.g. sales meetings, indirect emissions resulting from computers, transport of the medicines and medical devices we sell, etc. These emissions also need to be reduced.


The risks we see linked to the environment and climate goals include how batteries for the electric cars we lease are produced, the expansion of charging infrastructure and finding solutions to, for example, transport that reduces emissions while not affecting patients' access to medicines.


  1. We have held workshops on sustainable procurement and started to apply a policy for sustainable (green) sourcing.
  2. We have expanded the waste sorting in our office.
  3. We have started to carry out life cycle assessments and as a result also started to consider leasing opportunities (“as a service”) to a greater extent as well as other ways of extending the life of some of the goods we buy.
  4. We have also started an analysis of how the inhalers we manufacture can be recycled as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, plastic and metal.


Social dimension of sustainability: a question of rights

For us, it is important to contribute to positive social development in which human rights are respected. As a company, we describe in more detail the work on human rights and the UN Global Compact in Chiesi Group´s  sustainability report. In various ways rights also come into our work in the Nordic region. On the one hand, this applies in the implementation of the Code of Interdependence, but it also applies through the principles often associated with a rights perspective: participation, non-discrimination, accountability and transparency. This report is an example of the latter, another example is our work on Sustainability Pathways where all employees participate.


Concrete results 2020: the social dimension

  1. In 2020, we initiated and implemented 6 shared value projects. Two more are still under implementation (and new projects have already started for 2021). The projects have included training nurses in Finland on inhalation techniques, medical advice on Covid for asthma patients in Sweden, a social media video to draw attention to how to recognize the disease neuropathic cystinosis and a project in Norway: Treatment and adherence: a double challenge for Immigrants. According to the patient organisations involved in the projects, the projects have been successful and appreciated. For Chiesi Nordic, we have learned more about the patient organizations and about some of the challenges patients experience.
  2. During 2020 we set aside half a working day per employee for volunteering. We also carried out an internal project where we mapped out how we can streamline and improve impact from our volunteer work. In connection with this project, we also decided that everyone in the company should allocate 8 working hours/year for volunteering.
  3. We made donations to several NGO´s, including the Red Cross, Save the Children and Vi-Agroforestry. These donations totaled SEK 2.1 million. 
  4. Code of Interdependence: we believe that we are all interdependent. Therefore, we are in talks with all our major suppliers and have informed most of our suppliers and partners about our sustainability aspirations as well as what we expect from those we cooperate with. Our code is closely related to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


“I really like working with you at Chiesi because working with you is pushing me to learn more so that I can offer other customers more sustainable solutions.”  


Our staff and values 

Our ambition is to be a workplace where employees thrive and are given space and opportunities to deliver against the results we have set. Diversity is a means for us to deliver and we strive to treat all employees in the same way regardless of background.

We are a growing company. This is what our staff composition looked like in 2020 (2019 in brackets):


  All employees Of which managers     4 (2)


48 (39)

13 (13)


30–50 years

40 (33)


32 (22)

7 (5)


>50 years

36 (26)


Results from the "Great Place to Work" survey (conducted in 2019 but reported in 2020.)

All figures are significantly higher than the industry and other nordic companies surveyed. 





Concrete results in 2020: staff and values

  1. In 2020, we formed 11 "sustainability pathways" as to use the skills and dedication of all staff in the implementation of the sustainability plan. Participation in the groups was also part of all employees MBO’s (result contracts – and bonuses). The work was judged to be instructive and engaging and resulted in increased knowledge and commitment, several updated guidelines, new routines, and several new collaborations.
  2. Anti-corruption measures: a risk analysis was carried out and information material on corruption and other irregularities (including sexual harassment) was produced. Furthermore, an information session was held for all staff and we also decided to deepen the work on anti-corruption in 2021.
  3. Finally, programs to maintain and improve the workplace through introductory programs including ethical values and diversity for new employees were also initiated.

